
Posts Tagged ‘regulation czar’

Cass Sunstein on Negative vs. Positive Rights

October 6, 2009 Leave a comment

I remember when Cass Sunstein spoke at The Cato Institute on the book he co-authored,  “Nudge.”  Now, he is the talk of mainstream media. He makes some arguments that undercut any defense of Libertarianism, although in his book he claims that libertarian goals can be achieved through statist means. One of his core beliefs, a belief that poisons his whole political philosophy, is the pernicious believe that there is no essential difference between negative and positive rights. To not understand the difference between negative rights, i.e., the right to be left alone and positive rights, i.e., the “right” to take someone else’s money is to not understand the difference between living freely and languishing in a concentration camp. It makes so much sense that Obama would pick this man for Regulation Czar.